What you can claim really depends on your job

Most deductions tend to fall into the work-related expenses category and you might be surprised at what you may be able to claim.
If you work outside for long periods of time, for example, you may be able to claim a deduction for the cost of sunscreen. If you use a handbag for work – for example, to carry a laptop, phone, client briefs or anything else you need for work – you may be able to claim that.
What you can claim really depends on the job that you have.
For example, if you’re a chef you may be able to claim a deduction for knives, if you’re a flight attendant you may be able to claim rehydrating moisturisers and if you’re a nurse you may be able to claim a deduction for a pin watch.
It’s worth taking a look at the occupation guides available on the ATO website which can help you work out what you can and can’t claim depending on your job.

Effie Zahos
Effie Zahos has been providing expert advice on personal finance and consumer issues for over two decades, and her insights are sought after by many Australians.
The author of several best-selling books on personal finance, including “A Real Girl’s Guide to Money: From Converse to Louboutins,” “Getting Rich, Staying Rich: A Practical Guide to Investing in Shares,” and “The Great $20 Adventure,” her expertise and experience in the area of finance are unparalleled, and she is a passionate advocate for financial literacy in Australia.
These Tax Tips with Effie Zahos are for general information only, not tax advice.
Before making any decisions you should speak to a registered tax adviser.