Fundraising Concert for Pets in the Park, Launceston
Pets in the Park runs free monthly veterinary clinics for the animals of people in northern Tasmania who are homeless. We are coming up to our fifth year of running this service. Join us on September 14th for a night of entertainment.
Tanya Morrison – MC
Studio of National Dancing
Launceston Ladies Choir
Meander Men’s Choir
Tamar Valley Voices
Yvonne Gluyas
Beverley Marshall
Sharyn Rogers and Belle Martin
Obsessive Choral Disorder
St Andrews Caledonian Pipe Band
There will be a silent auction. A light supper will be included.
Venue: Holy Trinity Church at 34 Cameron St, Launceston.
When: September 14th 2024, 7:00pm – 9:45pm.
Cost: $25 per adult
Children attend for free. Must be accompanied by an adult.